Yarns Spun and Goodies Aquired from Yarnival 2011!

Yarnival wasn’t just amazing for my creative soul- it was also incredible for my shopping habit! Luckily I was able to “pay” with fiber, and everyone was happy! I also got way more spinning done than I realized! I got some really funky yarns spun!!  Here’s the photos of all my booty from the Yarnival, and the yarns I spun while there!

I didn’t realize I came home with so much awesome stuff until I took photos of it all!!  I can’t wait to see the yarns the people spin with their new fiber.. or a photo of the Spooky Crow wreath hanging in the Pluckyfluff Studio! I love that it became a big swap at the end of the weekend! FUN stuff!!
I got:

  • knitting needles that are painted in day glo colors, a hair (and/or hat) clip  and a beautiful handspun art yarn from Ashley of Neauveau Fiber Arts
  • a handmade spinning apron from Lenore (from Flordia.. will link to her shop  as soon as I have it)
  • a handmade flower brooch from Calamity Kim of Fla (will also link to the shop as soon as I have it) matches my apron
  • a handmade leather and art yarn purse from Deb Lambert of Picasso Moon Yarn Shop
  • 2 handspun art yarns from Jenny Neutron Star (one from our yarn game- the fiber was picked by Girl with a Hook)
  • a handspun art yarn from Pluckyfluff
  • a handspun art yarn from SoulFibre
  • A handthrown yarn bowl (I actually paid for this but I’ve wanted one for SO long that I was happy to support the local artist!)
  • a small woven basket to match the large basket I got at Stitches Midwest
  • From the local thrift store a stack of vintage granny stacks($1), a pair of vintage cowboy boots ($12!) and a straw hat ($1) which would later become the base for my “Ashley hat” adding the hair clip and very “Neauveau” yarn I spun from the handful of Pygora and wensleydale that Natalie of Namaste Farms gave me.
  • I also treated myself to one of the 2 art lithographs Lexi made of her original Yarnival drawing. This I also paid for- happily- because I know Lexi paid to have it made into a lithograph on good paper with good ink.. and it will hang in my studio. It’s SO great to have a non music piece in our art collection. I don’t have a photo of it yet because it’s at the framer! Photos as soon as I get it home. I’m SO excited!

I also got a lot of yarn spun over the week that I was there!

  • Barely- corespun uncarded alpaca, wrapped in white novelty yarn and plied with different white novelty yarn
  • Whisper- white alpaca roving wrapped with 5 white novelty yarns, Chain plied- will be worked into a weaving project with “Barely” and the yarn from SoulFiber along with a few others.
  • Ugly Couch- Lexi named this one. Corespun batt carded to match the fringy novelty yarn. Spun lightly over the novelty yarn, then plied back with the same.. Lexi said it looks like Grandma’s Ugly Couch *for sale on etsy
  • Yarnival- Alpaca, bling and bits of treasure fiber carded then corespun lightly over a felted sweater core *for sale on etsy
  • Tangled- Corespun and wrapped with fiber carded from the scrap bin in the pluckyfluff studio *for sale on etsy
  • Consummes River Pairing- spun from the same batt carded in the studio- one is corespun and plied, one is corespun and double wrapped, then plied *for sale on etsy
  • Subtle- carded with bits of sparkle, treasure fiber and alpaca from the pluckyfluff studio, corespun then plied
  • Granny’s Afghan- spun with the same batt from “Subtle” corespun with 4 vintage granny squares found at the local Thrift Store *for sale on etsy
  • River Mermaid- Spun with batts from home, with added silk yarn ‘cocoons’ and sequins, corespun and plied *for sale on etsy
  • Mossy Orchard- Cloudspun with 2 wrapping threads over a sparkly novelty yarn- spun from my cloud batts  *for sale on etsy
  • Dust Bunny Carders- Carded a batt with the fiber left on the carding table at the end of the workshop, corespun and plied- will be worked into a weaving project with the other ‘dust bunny’ yarns
  • Dust Bunny Patio- Carded a batt with the fiber I found outside and on the patio. Carded a batt and spun a thin single, then chain plied
  • Dust Bunny Floor- Carded a batt with the fiber I swept off the studio floor. Corespun textured single, chain plied

It was such a great time. Fondling all my goodies just reminded me of how much fun we all had. I wonder if I put on my cowboy boots and Neauveau Hat, click my heels together 3 times while giving the HoodleHoot turkey call.. will I turn up under the fig tree in the Orchard..

