Writing for PLY Magazine

In all the craziness of the Fall, I didn’t get a chance to post about my new endeavor- writing for PLY Magazine!

I was thrilled when Jacey first contacted me about writing for the new spinning magazine she had started called PLY.   The intent of the magazine is to be a little more “advanced” in it’s techniques than the current spinning magazine on the market, Spin Off.  It’s also great because it’s a fresh voice in this ever evolving craft we participate in.   It’s been a lot of fun coming up with interesting article topics for the assigned issues!!
My first article was in the Fall 2013 issue (issue #2), and it was called Carding for Color! I talked about different ways to card and spin batts for specific color plays.  I shared my trapping texture technique (which is shown in the “Carding art batts” video) and  “right hand diz” technique (which I will put in a video tutorial soon, and put it on the tutorials page!)
Writing is really helping me fine tune my teaching as well, because I really find it a challenge to describe “in real words” what I do at the carder almost instinctively.
My newest article is in the current Winter 2013 issue (issue #3).  I have been really looking forward to publishing this article, and I’m so happy that PLY gave me the opportunity!  This article is about How to Choose the Right Drum Carder for your needs!
In this article I address issues like TPI (teeth per inch), feed trays and hand crank vs motorized- and how to put it all together so you can figure out what you need.  I am even lucky to be the one to reveal a BIG secret about a NEW carder coming on the market early 2014!

I’ve got more articles planned for upcoming issues!!  I took the “Silk” (Spring 2014, issue #4)  issue off, but will return with an article in Summer 2014, issue #5 “Twist”, and teaming with a bestie to write an article for the Autumn 2014, issue #6 “Community”.  Now, I’m brainstorming the article I’d like to propose for Winter 2014, issue #7- Worsted. What would you like to see me write about?

Hope your holidays are warm and full of sparkles! I’m working on my end of the year/beginning of the year blogpost and newsletter now, along with a smattering of other posts that have been sitting halfdone while I’ve been without laptop for the last 2 months.     _MG_6026 [etsy]

I’ve been spinning up some fun yarns too! Couldn’t resist spinning a couple lengths of Holiday Twinkle lights!!  May your New Year be full of twinkles!!
