WLOS Segments Air- How to Tailspin, Making Art Yarn Wreaths and Frame Weaving

Last Fall I spent a day in Asheville filming segments for WLOS ABC 13 Craft Corner segments. Over the last couple months 3 more segments aired and I just found them online.

I am so happy with how these turned out, and they were so much fun to do!  You can’t even tell how nervous I was! I think I got the hang of it after the first one though and the rest were a breeze!  I have one more segment still to air and I plan to head back up this Spring to film  a few more! Is there anything you’d like to see me show?

Click on the links to stream the segments.

WLOS ABC 13 Asheville Craft Corner Segment-How to Tailspin Yarn
I can’t believe I was able to fit an entire tailspinning lesson into 3 minutes!

WLOS ABC 13 Asheville Craft Corner Segment-How to Make a Yarn Wreath
This reminds me since Spring is coming I need to start working on a new yarn wreath! The Winter one is almost out of season!

WLOS ABC 13 Asheville Craft Corner Segment- How to Frame Weave
I used photos in this from Yarnival and my trip to Holland- so there are cameo’s from friends and my cute hubby..  Thanks for smiling pretty Bryan, Lexi, Heather, Jenny, Alex and Vithard!
