WeaveWeird in an Art Show!

I am so excited because this weekend is the opening reception for the I Got a Beer art show, being put on by Cigar City Brewery in Tampa Fla.

Last year, the awesome weaver MaryAnn Moodie and I came up with the hashtag #Weaveweird on Instagram, and it’s morphed into a wonderful exploration of color, texture and innovation in weaving.

This weekend my #WeaveWeird will be celebrated by Cigar City Brewery.  I will have 4-5 pieces hanging in their “I Got A Beer” art show, including a 3D windchime that I wove using can tops, bottle tops and empty Cigar City cans.  All pieces are available for purchase, and will hang in the tap room the entire month of May.

The opening reception is Sunday May 1, from 7-11 pm at the Tampa Cigar City Brewery taproom.  They will also be bringing out some special Cigar City bottles for the event. It’s going to be a super fun night and  I hope to see you there!!
