Upcoming Fall Workshops- Michigan Fiber Festival, WC Mercantile and SAFF

I can’t believe we’re in the middle of Summer’s heat and it’s already time to start thinking about the workshops coming up in the Fall!!

It’s been a year of a lot less travel for me. I’ve been working on the studio build project, along with a number of things behind the scenes that have kept me home.  There is so much going on, I wish I could spill all the beans.. but that’s coming soon!!

In less than a month I’m heading off to be the Featured teacher at Michigan Fiber Fest!!   I’m thrilled to be heading back to my LakeCoast!! As a Midwestern girl, it’s like heading home!!

11403263_10205508413648233_7777592771887168501_nI’m teaching 4 days, and there are a handful of spots left in a few of my classes!!
In the Creative Spinning to Weave class, we will be spinning creative/art yarns.. and they will be different techniques than we are doing in the Intentional art yarn class.
In the Creative Spinning to Weave class I also talk about design process, and how these yarns can be used in weaving.. but you don’t have to be a weaver, or be taking Chiaki’s SAORI class. I know the Intentional Art Yarn class is full, so if you just want to learn to spin some fun art yarn, feel free to join us!! There will be fiber prep in both Intentional Art Yarn and Creative Spinning to Weave

We will also be spinning some fun textured yarns in the Unconventional Materials class. This class is based around some “games” that we will play to challenge your design and technique and color skills. I will be teaching the techniques that are needed to complete the challenges, as we go.

Tailspinning class is all about locks!! We’ll talk about how to find a good tailspinning fleece, and what that looks like. I also have 5 techniques of spinning with locks.. a traditional “plied”, 3 with cores and 1 coreless

Finally the color class. This class is for ANYONE!! No fiber skills needed!! knitters, crocheters, dyers, felters, weavers.. or just people that like color! One of my most asked questions is how I put together colors that are bold, but still pleasing to the eye. This is the class that came from that. How to put colors together.. how to see color in a new way. It’s a basic color theory class for people that aren’t technical.

End of September (9/26-27) I head back to Navasota Texas, for my second workshop at WC Mercantile! This year we are immersing ourselves in spinning and weaving!!
WCThis year we are spending the first day preparing fractal colorways, and then spinning a variety of examples. A fractal is a pattern that can be repeated in smaller amounts. It’s fun to pair this color progression with new fiber prep techniques and unique plying structures.

The next day we will play with color and texture on our looms! Rigid Heddle, Table or SAORI.. whatever loom you weave on, bring it to class and we’ll go way beyond the edges. I’ll teach warping techniques and fun weft play!! We’ll work on highlighting handspun yarns, as well as creating story within the cloth. Students will weave their hearts with no preplanned pattern or design.

October brings us back to our annual SAFF weekend. Please note the DATE CHANGE this year!! We are not ONE WEEK later than usual, as we now have access to the entire fairground!!  Oct 30,31 and Nov 1!!  We will have our usual double booth (now in the Davis Arena). We are quite excited to be on the aisle with our friends Friends and Fiberworks, Miss Babs, HanDen SAORI Studio, Kismet FiberWorks, Buffalo Wool Co. Bijou Bison, Susan’s Fiber Shop and Interlacements! We’ll be across the aisle from our friends MoonWood Farms, Wild Hare Fiber and LunaBudKnits. It’s going to be quite the party!!
I’m also teaching my corespinning class friday, fractal explosions class saturday and tailspinning on sunday!

There are a couple other workshops in the  planning for this year– I’ll announce as soon as the details are confirmed.   Until then…. Hope you are able to stay cool in these Summer days! I’m already dreaming of the cool Fall nights!
