Twist- The Art of Spinning by Hand; Announcment & Storybook SAL

I’m so excited to share the news about a new project; Twist, The Art of Spinning by Hand.  This is a curated art show, that celebrates the story, process and art of  spinning yarn; and will be taking submissions from spinners from all over the world.

Twist, the Art of Spinning by Hand is-
an exhibition featuring
–extraordinary, contemporary, hand made tools
–art fibers and hand spun art yarns
–art and art-to-wear made from hand spun fiber

a “happening” offering unique opportunities to:
–learn to spin at regularly scheduled spin-ins
–join a collaborative installation featuring your hand spun yarns and stories
–spin in the gallery during the exhibition

13516264_10208008618911802_161893637098324705_nThis exhibit is about our collective story as spinners.  The goal is that the yarns themselves, will also be also about stories, and the stories we tell!!  We are hosting a ongoing spin along (SAL) and each month will focus on a certain area (or areas) of literature and storytelling.  Just in time for the Tour De Fleece- July is all about Children’s literature, stories and poetry!!  (August is classics, poetry and romance and September is mystery/sci fi/graphic novel)  We hope people will join us and follow along by posting their photos on  instagram and in the facebook and Ravelry groups. Feel free to use the hashtags #StorybookSAL #twistexhibition when you post on instagram so your photos will show up in the group feed.   I am so excited I’ve already finished my first yarn- Where the Sidewalk Ends!!

This is a very special project, and I can’t wait for everyone to get started on their submissions!! This is a perfect Tour De Fleece project!!!  If you want to spin along, and submit a yarn (or 2) to be used in the project check out the submission guidelines.  This is all the important details like how much fiber to use, deadlines and logistics.  When you are ready to send your yarn, please use this form.   To stay connected, be sure to join the Facebook and Raverly groups, as well as follow along with us on Instagram! Of course we’d love to see you at the actual show, Nov 4-Dec 17, 2016 at the BlackRock Art Gallery in Germantown Maryland.  I’ve already prepped the fiber for my second yarn….  I can’t wait to see what everyone else spins!!

