Awesome New Books for your Library!

I’m going to start sharing when there are new things in the scene that are exciting!!  In this pre-holiday season, there are 2 new books out that I highly recommend for both spinners and knitters alike.

Exclusive New Patterns for JazzTurtle Yarns!

I’m so excited because I’ve been working with some amazing designers who are writing patterns with and for Jazzturtle Yarns. So often I’m asked, “But what can I DO with it?” that I thought it was time to answer with more than just “Everything!”

The Anything But Lazy Kate Hits the Market with a BANG!

I’ve been keeping a secret and it’s time to share!! The new and amazing “Anything But Lazy Kate”, made by Nancy’s Knit Knacks is now out of production and available to order! I’m so excited about this, because I had a hand in it’s design and creation!!