Another Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival behind us…
Ah Maryland Sheep and Wool. It’s that festival we all love and hate at the same time. SO good to see friends, pet sheep, drool over fleeces.. but NEVER enough money to buy all the pretty, yarny, shiny things we want to fill our studios and stashes!! This year was no different…
Made in the Carolinas Segment!

I’m ON TV! Well.. technically not until tomorrow, but the segment is called “Made in the Carolinas” and begins airing tomorrow on the TWCNews channels locally for the next week.
Fun in Maryland, and Summer Begins!
I can’t believe it was already 3 weeks ago that I was enjoying the cool sunshine at Maryland Sheep and Wool! There’s so much coming this summer, the time is flying so quickly!
Stitches South and SWAY Festival- Vacation Wrapped up in Shows!
These last few weeks have been a whirlwind of color and fiber and driving and oysters. It was all so much fun, it made all the months of work prepping and the hard work it takes to do a huge show.. but it’s all worth it. Especially when you get a vacation included.
Spring Festivals Here We Come!!
The time of year we all love is upon us! SPRING!! Spring to me means fleeces, baby lambs and kids on the farms, and FESTIVALS!! Things are in crazy mode here as we begin our season in one week from today!
Coming Full Circle- Stitches South, Maryland Sheep and Wool and Carolina Fiber Fest
Wow.. I can’t believe it’s been a year since the first big fiber festival I ever vended.. Carolina Fiber Fest 2010. SO MUCH has happened in the last year.. and I’m still trying to process it all.. I’m still trying to figure how how i’m going to DO IT all.. but it’s all a work […]