Workshoping and Asheville Shenanigans with Lexi
I know I’m going to have more than a good time when my great friend Lexi Boeger of Pluckyfluff fame comes to town!! I’d just come home from teaching at the Tropical Flordia Weavers Guild annual retreat, but I grabbed the wine, hopped in the car and headed up to Asheville for some good Boeger […]
Workshopping on the Bayou
I love New Orleans. There, I said it. It’s one of my favorite places. I love the food, I love the jazz and most of all, I love the people. So when given the chance to come teach there, I needed no arm twisting!
WLOS Segments Air- How to Tailspin, Making Art Yarn Wreaths and Frame Weaving
Last Fall I spent a day in Asheville filming segments for WLOS ABC 13 Craft Corner segments. Over the last couple months 3 more segments aired and I just found them online.
Yarnival 2012- Return to Hangtown
I can’t believe a full year has passed since the first Yarnival, at the Pluckyfluff Studio in the Boeger Vineyard Orchard. July brought me back to Hangtown, and back to Boeger for the second Yarnival! And what a celebration it was!
Happy Thanksgiving with a Spin Artiste Feature

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful meal! So to aid digestion over the computer, I’m so excited to be the featured artist on the Spin Artiste website this weekend!
A Tour Through My Studio

I’ve gotten lots of requests to show off my “batt cave” It really is a ‘cave’ since I only have an 11×10 room as my studio- but I have made it into a very special creative home.