How I Travel and Feel Great Doing It- No matter how long I sit on the tarmac!
I travel, a lot! And to keep myself smiling no matter what happens, there are a few things I do, and have with me that keep my trip comfortable, and make HUGE difference when hit with one of those travel nightmares! Maybe they can help you keep smiling next time you’re stuck on the […]
Yarn for the Sake of Yarn- SPINZILLA Blogtour
The entire idea of Spinzilla is to spin as much yarn as you can in a week. That’s pretty much my entire Fall, when I’m preparing for Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair!! So how do you go about doing that? Spinning lots or yarn fast- no projects in mind, just yarn for the sake of just […]
Spring Grilling! Lamb Burgers with Mint Pistachio Pesto
One of the hardest things about winter is the lack of fresh herbs.. and the cold days.. and endless grey.. and the cold nights.. OH whatever, It was a hard winter, and I’m so excited the sun is warm and it’s grilling season!! This is one of our favorites!
Empowerment in the Cut! 10 Tips for Cutting Handwoven Fabrics!

One of the things I love about workshops is the give and take of sharing. I may be there to “teach” but I always walk away having learned something myself. This past month at Dream Come True Farm was no different. This time I went home with inspiration and courage to cut my woven fabric!
Tailspinning Airs on WLOS Craft Corner!
My second segment of WOLS Craft Corner aired today! SAFF is just around the corner, and this segment is a tutorial on tailspinning!