Preview my NEW Craftsy Class!

I can’t believe it’s just a couple weeks until the launch date of my new Craftsy class, Fiber Preparations for Spinning ( though it’s for felters and weavers too!)

Workshopping on the Bayou

I love New Orleans.  There, I said it. It’s one of my favorite places.  I love the food, I love the jazz and most of all, I love the people.  So when given the chance to come teach there, I needed no arm twisting!

Summer Adventure Part 2- Stitches Midwest and Twist Festival

The second part of the whirlwind summer adventure was spent in Chicago and then French Canada!  We played with yarn and fiber at Stitches Midwest, then played with more yarn and fiber at the Twist Fiber Festival- with more playing with yarn and fiber, and a few museums and shopping in between!

Spring Festivals Here We Come!!

The time of year we all love is upon us! SPRING!! Spring to me means fleeces, baby lambs and kids on the farms, and FESTIVALS!! Things are in crazy mode here as we begin our season in one week from today!