Another Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival behind us…

Ah Maryland Sheep and Wool. It’s that festival we all love and hate at the same time. SO good to see friends, pet sheep, drool over fleeces.. but NEVER enough money to buy all the pretty, yarny, shiny things we want to fill our studios and stashes!! This year was no different…

Another Fall, Another SAFF Goneby!

It’s hard to believe it’s November and another SAFF has gone by!   It’s like a roller coaster ride.. the slow tick to the top and a whirlwind fun ride that’s over before you know it!! And what a ride it was!  Full of yarn and sheep and bright leaves on the mountain, with a little […]

SAFF Love! A Weekend in the Mountains!

We always have a great time at SAFF in Asheville! This year was no different- in fact it was even BETTER than usual since we were joined by friends from Picasso’s Moon Yarn Shop and Carolina Fiber Company

Sweet Home Chicago- Stitches Midwest

I always look forward to Stitches Midwest, because it means a trip home! I get to mix business with pleasure as I stay with Mom, see all my friends and eat all my favorite goodies! This trip didn’t disappoint in anyway!

Yarnival 2012- Return to Hangtown

I can’t believe a full year has passed since the first Yarnival, at the Pluckyfluff Studio in the Boeger Vineyard Orchard. July brought me back to Hangtown, and back to Boeger for the second Yarnival! And what a celebration it was!

Maryland Sheep and Wool, AKA Crab Tour 2012

Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival is my “new” yearly pilgrimage up to Maryland for fiber, fun and CRABS!!  This is the second year my handspun and fiber were one of the featured independent artists carried in CloverHill Yarn shop.