Stitches Midwest- Otherwise Known as Twirling with the Stev(ph)ens

Stitches Midwest is always a blast! This year was no less so since we were joined by the sparkly crew from StevenBe!

My booth was perfectly located next to my good friends of Friends and Fiberworks and across the asile from the zebraprint of StevenBe.  Steven had been on tour with Stephen West, of WestKnits for the previous weeks, so they ended their glitter train at the show. We had lots of fun mixing up yarn colorways and playing with texture. Stephen shopped me out of all my neons- including a yellow tailspun with sequins!!  There are really no words.. I’ll let the photos do all the talking! 10385303_10203239934977684_4449269703358383919_n 10455317_10203240462350868_4853293807394650324_n 10559857_10203248056060706_3845572186516953476_n 10562959_10203247433005130_6952041315236363190_n IMG_20140807_160355338 IMG_20140807_160404800 IMG_20140808_141307 IMG_20140808_183554IMG_20140808_181415 (Large) IMG_20140807_164456376 (Large) IMG_20140808_184018
