Starting 2014 with Inspiration- Journey to the Golden Fleece

There is something special happening right now.  The Journey to the Golden Fleece is a creative challenge, it’s an art journal exercise with fiber as a medium,  and it’s designed to expand your internal horizons and your fiber knowledge.

Arlene Thayer from SpinArtiste and Suzy Brown from WoolWench have created an exciting new learning opportunity for people.  This course is really amazing. There are 8 modules following the classic “Hero’s Journey” in literature.   Each module challenges the participate with journaling questions, fiber/spinning challenges and other activities, all the way telling each persons story.
I’m very lucky to not only be a sponsor of the course- offering a discount to participants, but I am participating in this first “class”.  I am giving myself to this journey as well.    I have found, since starting my business –  that being “Jazzturtle” takes up most of my time. I am striving for balance within my life and my goal – my hoped out come in this journey of mine is that I learn to give myself that permission.. permission to do things other than spin, card, weave, dye and repeat repeat repeat.  I feel like I’ve forgotten how to do things “just because”.
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So I’ve completed my Module 1 yarn- my Call to Adventure.   Each Module asks for a spun yarn, and then the final project is  weaving a personal shield using a bit of each yarn on a custom circle loom designed by Suzy and made by Majacraft.

Modules are released every 6 weeks giving people plenty of time to complete each one.  There is a forum for participants only where people are encouraged to share their inspirations and stories.
The spaces in the first class went pretty quickly. Enrollments for the second class will open in early February.   If you are interested in the class, check out the enrollment page and get on the mailing list (you can also find out the details of the program) You can also check out the public Facebook Page to see a bit of what the first class is working on.   There is even a beginners track for new spinners- so anyone can participate regardless of skill level!!

This course is inspiring and challenging! Be bold and join the fun!! And may your Journey be exciting!
