Spring Festivals Here We Come!!

The time of year we all love is upon us! SPRING!! Spring to me means fleeces, baby lambs and kids on the farms, and FESTIVALS!! Things are in crazy mode here as we begin our season in one week from today!

We start with Stitches South in Atlanta, April 11-14 ! You can find us in the same place as last year- booth #626, right across from the Demo area! There are LOTS of new things to share with all of you.. new garment patterns, new tailspun yarns (a few with EXTREME 20 inch locks!!), some new concept yarns and of course the new handspun woven tote bags!!  I’m also extra excited because this will be the first Stitches event where I am on their teaching roster! My corespinning class still has a few spaces available on Saturday Morning. Come SPIN with me if you’ll be around!

pluckyfluff workshop raleigh apexThe next weekend you’ll find me at the SWAY Art Yarn Fest and retreat in Sarasota Flordia! This is going to be a special weekend because it’s a creative get together with all my friends! I will be teaching wild fiber all day at Deb Lambert’s amazing yarn shop Picasso’s Moon. I’ll have a couple drum carders, blending boards and an art hackle to play with! Come have some fun and we’ll prep the fiber to spin during the weekend. Cost is $20 plus materials (feel free to bring your own fiber!)  Then Sat and Sunday is the main event with Lexi Boeger teaching and a bunch of wonderful vendors providing fiber and inspiration and also the Leather and Lace Challenge Auction! I will have some blending boards, batts and locks (including undyed extra long teeswater)  available too!

Then I’m home for a week to recover from what is going to be an eventful 2 weeks.. and then it’s off to the big one- Maryland Sheep and Wool! You can find me, and my yarns and fibers at the CloverHill Yarn Shop booth in the Main Barn! I will be at the booth on Sunday, and walking around the fest Saturday! I can’t wait to see everyone there!!

maryland sheep and wool show 2012
Getting all the fleeces into the car!

I love the Spring. It’s A LOT of work to prepare for, no doubt! But these festivals are where I get to see my friends and meet new ones. I get to meet customers and see what they’ve created with my fibers and yarns. I get to meet the sheep that provide me with my fibers and I get to stock up on wonderful fleeces..  and I get to enjoy this community that I love so much!!

I hope to see you at one of the fests this Spring! If not, I will be updating the shop when I get home with all NEW goodies including a bunch of new unannounced things I have in the works..
I hope the sun is shining where you are!
