SpinQuest- A Fun New SpinEvent in the DC Area!

I’m so excited to be a Sponsor of the new Creative Handspun Adventure, Spinquest! Along with Melissa Ricks (of Wild Hare Fiber) and Arlene Ciroula of Spin Artiste, we are bringing you a fun day of fiber, learning and creative fun to start the Fall season!

Saturday Aug 25th 10 am– 5 pm
(set up begins at 9:30 am)
Blue Ridge Arts Council, 305 Main Street, Front Royal, Virginia (60 miles west of DC)
Music is provided by the Arts Council Friday night across the street from the Arts Council.

At SPINQUEST– you will:

Shop from the amazing independent fiber producers (Wild Hare Fiber and JazzTurtle Creations included)

Join the spinning circle and transform your Quest Kit (a mystery fiber pack)  into yarn or other unique creation – you might win a prize!

Learn and practice new techniques! Hourly Teaching demos featuring art yarn techniques by Esther Rodgers,  Jazzturtle Creations  & Melissa Yoder Ricks, Wild Hare Fiber Studio.  There will be 6 techniques demonstrated during the day.

SPACE IS LIMITED so sign up now for the advance price of $75 (which includes your Quest Kit) — Door price, $85 if there are remaining pots.  Call 540-635-9909 to register or e-mail kcrump@blueridgearts.org  if you wish to send in payment through the mail.  Only 40 spots available.  Credit Card payments are accepted.

Only want to shop the vendors and can’t stay for the SpinCircle? Market passes are $5 at the door.

If you are interested in applying to be a vendor, here is the pdf of the application:  Vendor Application – Please email your completed application to thespinartiste@gmail.com.
