New Year- New Fun!

Here it is, already 2015.  I am amazed at how fast 2014 flew by.. until I look and see how much “flying” I really did! Wow- I taught in New Zealand, Florida, Atlanta, Maryland, Connecticut, Maine, Chicago, Quebec, Norway, Rhinebeck, SAFF, Texas…..  What a year it was!!!  And 2015 is already shaping up to be full of even more fun!!

There are SO many plans in the works for 2015. New teaching gigs, new collaborations, new tools and new ideas. I can’t spill all the beans yet…  But I can start with a few.

The first burst of Jazzturtle Fun for the New Year is a surprise appearance at Vogue Knitting Live New York City, next weekend!  10891761_10204334584063227_2481286959574194063_nThe amazing ladies of Kismet Fiber Works and I have cooked up some fun collaboration knit kits with my handspun art yarn and their amazing hand dyed skeins. There are a couple patterns that will be launched at VKL this year.. with more fun planned as the year progresses!  Stephanie and Angie dye beautiful yarn, and they have some truly unique bases.. like their refuge- 50/50% baby camel/silk and their new handspun cashgora! They also dye lovely gradient kits that have tons of yardage for your super large projects!  You can see our collab kits along with their amazing yarns in booth #916 at Vogue Knitting Live NYC next weekend- Jan 16-18

I have a new article in the current issue (7- Worsted) of PLY Magazine. This article is on how to comb funky top/ plan colorways on a hackle. I’ve gotten more than a few questions on the “art of dizzing” so I will address those in an upcoming blogpost.

IMG_20140905_044745421I’m working on finalizing events and workshops of 2015 right now.. there are still a few details to work out. Watch the workshops page for stealth updates, and I’ll make announcements as things firm up.   Right now on the books for sure is a JOINT WORKSHOP with Abby Franquemont, March 7/8 (yeah.. you read right.. that is going to be a doozy!)  Carolina Fiber Fest, April 10-12,   August brings me to Michigan Fiber Fest, September will take me back to WC Mercantile Sept 26/27, Oct holds Rhinebeck and SAFF..
In the works are Victoria/Salt Spring BC, Sarasota, My annual workshop in CT, back to Maine, StevenBe in MN and NOLA !  2016 bookings are also being taken.. so there’s a lot of teaching to come!!
10858362_10204119080315768_1464753739648719533_nRemember if you can’t make a workshop, I always do private lessons in my studio, and I give skype sessions!

Over the next couple weeks I will be activly stocking the Jazzturtle fiber/yarn shop with Majacraft and Strauch Tools, as well as the Jazzturtle Boutique with new woven tapestries, pillows and other goodies from my loom.

2015 holds much excitement and magic! I can’t wait to share it with everyone!
