Humpty Dumpty Back Together Again

It’s done and over and was a much shorter stay at the hospital- sadly less grilled cheese sandwiches for me…
The surgery was about 2 hours, and they found no additional infection- so it’s already better in multiple ways then the first 2 surgeries.  I was only in the hospital 3 days total, and my Dad brought me home Wednesday afternoon.  I didn’t even have time to pull out my loom..  though I was spinning as soon as I woke up in the morning.   This time my Dad was my hospital roomie.. staying in my room, bringing me coffee and keeping me company when my hubs had to work.

31899042_10213573101260383_6541139121979523072_oI’m not going to lie.. though the surgery was “easier” and the hospital stay shorter.. this surgical wound is WAY more painful than the others.   It may be because I was in the hospital longer, so I got the harder drugs longer..  so by the time I got out of the hospital things just didn’t hurt as much..  I”m 10 days post surgery now.. and it’s still pretty painful.. but hopefully by next week the wound has gotten smaller and the pain is less.  The surgeon said by the month post op appointment he thinks the would will just be healed enough for me to no longer be packing it, and just using a dressing.  I admit that gives me a small amount of grief, as it hurts like a #($* to unpack and repack the wound…  so another 3 weeks of it makes me less than happy.    But I just keep reminding myself and pain means I’m not dead..  and at least I’m home..

20180501_213850So I’m home and things are healing.  I am finally eating all the things I missed so much.. brussel sprouts, raw veggies.. oh whatever, ALL veggies.. especially tomatoes and I had the most beautiful salad with spinach, strawberries, candied pecans and feta cheese with cranberry peach white balsamic…   I hope to go to the farmers market on Saturday, and the farm by my house opened today.. so I plan to go next week to pick many pounds of strawberries (but only carry 3 at a time!!)  so I can have my first jam making session of the season!!

For now I”m just spending my time mostly sleeping, and making what I can in the other moments.  I love to color and find myself with my pencils out often.  I have another 5 weeks of no core engagement- no working out/yoga, no lifting, and of course not taking any of my massage clients..  so I’m just trying not to go crazy on the couch…  I don’t yet have the energy to sit at my  traditional wheel, but I have been at my Device Espinner and my looms.img_4234 I’m also finding a lot of peace making meditation malas.  You might have seen some of them on my Instagram page. They are selling as fast as I make them, which is wonderful, because it means I can keep making more.  I will have a post about why I turned to malas, and what they mean, and how I use them.. and all that good stuff..
Creating has been wonderful for my general wellbeing during this entire recovery journey..
But there are too many drugs running through my body for that blogpost now.
Now I need to sleep again..  Oh wow, big surprise! And then another round of pills..  and then either some coloring, or back to sleep..   repeat for the next 5 weeks.    Ashley is keeping the fundraiser up through this last round of recovery, and once again, I can’t express my words of thanks to everyone who has supported me through this.  But there will be more time less fuzzy, and less time on the drugs as the days pass and I heal more. So then I’ll have more blog posts and even some dye pots!!

I hope the Spring is bringing you strawberries and tulips, and lamb fleeces and maybe even some Spring fiber festivals.. (Who’s hitting up Maryland Sheep and Wool this weekend?! If it weren’t for a bullethole in my abdomen……..   )
I hope your days are full of sunshine and wool..     and sniff a few fleeces for me, since that is on the top of my NOT with a hole in your abdomen, list.

Hugs and wool love

