Happy Thanksgiving with a Spin Artiste Feature

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful meal! So to aid digestion over the computer, I’m so excited to be the featured artist on the Spin Artiste website this weekend!
I’ve watched this amazing publication grow, and feature other inspiring artists- I’m honored to be a part of it on this Thanksgiving weekend!!  You can check out my interview here

Also, be sure to stop by tomorrow (as early as midnight tonight) to start the holiday shopping season off with some fun! We’ll have a couple giveaways this weekend, as well as a possible sale code unveiled- the Spin Artiste site has a bit more info, and everything will be revealed tomorrow (tonight!) in a post entitled “Giving Thanks”

Anyone hitting the shops in the morning, I wish you luck, warmth and patience! I will be here in my PJ’s, tailspinning angora bunny, drinking Bailey’s and coco waiting to hear all about it!
