I love my Local Yarn Shop – DownTown Knits, in Apex NC! Michelle has a beautiful shop with more colors of yarn than the brightest rainbow.. AND she is the only brick and mortar shop that stocks my yarn!!
She picked out some beauties yesterday- 3 extreme teeswater tailspuns, with hand dyed sari silk yarn (and ribbon) pairings (the hand dyed sari ribbon hasn’t even hit the MY shop yet!!) She also got one of my favorite shaggy tailspuns, dyed in the Stormy Weather colorway (purples and grays). Then of course, since she has amazing taste, she just had to have “Nebula”, the galaxy yarn I’d been dreaming of spinning, and finally accomplished the first weekend I had my new Aura wheel.
I promise to have LOTS more extreme tailspun yarns coming in the next few weeks… I just got my first batch of the spring shearing.. and it’s more incredible than I ever imagined..