Booth Locations Confirmed and Custom Listings Avaliable!

I can’t believe that Stitches Midwest is less than a month, and SAFF is just around the corner from that!!  Since I have lots of fiber onhand- custom repeat listings have been added to the shop!  I’m really excited because I have my booth locations confirmed for both festivals- and I have GREAT spots!!  I’m carding and dyeing up a STORM- so I’ve added a couple custom listings to the shop- one for batts and one for tops– so if there’s something you missed in a previous update, now is the time for me to repeat it!!  These listings are very limited, so grab them while I still have time!

My location for Stitches Midwest is booth #230! This is a great location, down the first aisle, on an end towards the back, right in front of the Demonstration Area!

For SAFF my location has been moved!! I was originally out in the Sales Barn, but I have been moved INSIDE to the McGough Arena, Booth # 77.  I’m on the floor, in the booth that was formally Wild Meadow Farm.  I’m really excited about this location because it will be steps away from where I’ll be teaching! This will make things MUCH easier for me!

And inbetween is YARNIVAL, the big Studio Opening, Workshop and general fiber party at the Boeger Winery in Placerville CA.  I’ll be teaching some nuno, and perhaps some triloom weaving, I will probably have some batts with me.. but I’m really looking at that trip as a vacation and creative insperation- so I come back with full steam ready for SAFF!

Two week until I need to be sending fiber, yarn and other inventory off to Mom’s for Stitches. I spent the day working on new promo materials with the .com info and new photos. They are wonderful! Now I have to double my efforts in the batt cave to meet my Stitches quota! This week my plan is to felt soaps until my fingers prune… shooting for 60! We’ll see how it goes!
