Awesome Books to Spend your Time With!

I love books!  We are so lucky in the fiber art community, that we have great books being published both in actual “book” form, and digital format
I have nothing against the digital format- I love to stream videos, and there’s always a Craftsy class going in my studio!!  It’s so convenient to have huge books available on my ipad..  but real books that have that book smell and feel good in your lap can’t be beat by a digital stream!  I feel like the cooler season is the perfect time to dive into new books.. so here are a few that I love even more, because they were written by my friends!


Beth Smith has a great relatively new book out by Storey Publishing, called simply, “How to Spin”.  It’s a perfect pocket size to keep by your wheel for handy referencing.

This is a great book for both new spinners and seasoned spinners that want to review their skills.  It’s got clear instructions with nicely drawn illustrations. It is one of the first I will recommend to my students.  It’s available on amazon for less than a meal at MickyD’s.. (and much better for you in the long run) or you can get it for a few dollars more, from Beth herself, and she’ll sign it for you!

14322212_10208588824936590_1101380452302460981_nJillian Moreno’s new book “Yarnitecture“just hit the market last month! I admit I got a copy to read, in digital format,  this past Spring, and I was chomping at the bit to get my hands on a hard copy.  This is a book, I feel, that meets it’s true potential in “book” form.  The photos are beautiful and bright. The patterns are interesting and the content is just full of inspiring techniques and information. It’s true “yarn porn” and can reside on any coffee table.

This is a book for people who want to do more than “just spin yarn”  This book helps the spinner make choices on how to design their yarn, by offering information on how differently spun yarns will behave- saving the spinner hours of sampling.  This book teaches how to go beyond just spinning a pretty yarn, and allows the spinner to be a true designer to be confident to make the choices on how to prepare the fiber and spin the yarn, so they are left with exactly the yarn they want.

14368812_10208588823616557_2662919156902971919_nFinally, Franklin Habit’s fiber art/knitting coloring book, “I Dream of Yarn” came out in the Spring and was met with rave reviews.  His charming illustrations, that you’ve come to enjoy from his pen, are highlighted here with perfect opportunities to work out new colorways and create your dream yarn.  There are sweaters and mittens, there are sheep, cats, bunnies, even a unicorn! There are knitters knitting, you can design your own yarn shop and of course there’s yarn! As an someone who enjoys “adult coloring books” I found this one to stand up against the other best sellers. The paper is a night weight, and each image is printed on a single side, so there’s no fear of bleeding.  Different mediums can be used, as the drawings are both large enough for pencils, as well include as more detailed ones for pens.

If you need some color inspiration, Franklin’s color class on Craftsy isn’t just for yarn!! Use these color theory ideas to plan the color palette for your next coloring book page , redecorating your living room, or planning your next dinner party!!

Do you have any of these books? What do you think of them?  Are there any techniques that you are loving in Jillian or Beth’s books?  What coloring have you done in Franklin’s book?  Feel free to share here or on my FB page!!

