Art Yarn Spinning Airs on Craft Corner, WLOS ABC 13 Asheville!

I’m so excited because my first segment that I filmed for AB 13 WLOS Asheville aired today! I am SO happy with how it turned out! As the first one filmed you can’t even tell I’m nervous!

The segment can be seen here.  I’m quite happy they got a shot of my boot toppers! I do wish I got the batt of smoother, but I only had 3 minutes, and I didn’t want to take the extra seconds getting the fiber off, knowing I was only going to spin for another few seconds. I was still quite nervous at that point as well (and the clamps didn’t fit on their table.. that was another hrmf) but oh well.. .even with those little hicups I think it turned out really well!

The second spinning segment is on tailspinning, and it should air in the next few weeks. Then the 3 project videos will air before the holidays. I will update when those air as well!

Thanks for watching, and I’ll be updating the etsy shop this week with the first batch of Holland inspired batts. A bunch of new art yarns from the Holland inspired collection listed this past weekend! Enjoy them! It’s fun reliving our memories while I’m creating them all!
SAFF prep is in FULL swing. Got 25 lbs of fleece dyed this week in solid colors for my mass carding sessions that will come over the next days..  sparkle, color.. here I come!
