2015 Workshops are Going on the Book!

I’m so excited about how this year of workshops is filling out. There are still a few holes to fill, but it looks like this is going to be a fun year!

The workshop year starts with a quickie at Fancy Tiger Crafts in Denver.  Tues Feb 17 the week will start with Jazzturtle Fun at the weekly knit/spin night.  That will kick off a week long trunk show.  Sunday Feb 22 there will be a full day workshop, Intentional Art Yarns-  Then I’ll be back the next tues the 24 at knit night for one more burst of fun!! Registration link has just gone live on the Workshop page!

March is shaping up a super fun Mash-UP workshop with the one and only Abby Franquemont! We will spend a day playing with fiber tools, and a second day spinning.  This workshop will highlight how different people can work with the same tools, but get different results.. sharing their knowledge and experiences._SNJ4454 (Large)  This will be a rare chance to play with 2 teachers together.  More info will be posted on the workshop page as details firm in the next week.

April I will be teaching a few classes at the Carolina Fiber Fest in Sanford NC, and June 17-21 takes me back to StevenBe in Minneapolis for an epic good time! We’ll start with classes/trunkshowing Wed and Thurs, head to the MN Weavers Guild conference in the StevenBe booth for shopping workshops and shopping Friday and Saturday, and head back to StevenBe’s on Sunday for a final workshop.

_SNJ4471 (Large)August brings  me to Michigan Fiber Festival for the first time. I’ll be teaching full day classes Wed and Thurs, and half day classes Friday and Saturday morning.  Registration opens in April.  September I head back to WC Merchantile, and October brings us to Rhinebeck and SAFF. None of those classes have been determined yet.

Watch the Workshops page for all the details and registration links. There are still spaces to book a few more workshops for 2015.. so I’m working on those, and I’m currently booking 2016 dates as well. I will post new classes as they are added to my calendar.  I look forward to spinning with you in the New Year!


*Photos by Sara Norine
