I’m so excited because I’ve added 2 very special one day workshops to my Spring schedule, at a couple of my most favorite artist studios!
Because both studios are full of creative energy and have seen many proficient spinners come through their doors- the class I’m offering at these studios is my Expressive Yarn Design workshop (aka, Art Yarn 201). It’s great for spinners with different levels of creative spinning experience, but aimed at folks who have a solid level of “art yarn” spinning. We’ll take the techniques you know, along with some new ones I’ve got up my sleeve, to elevate your art yarn into storytelling.
We start with a couple of games that will open the door to the design process, as I share my techniques and designing steps. Fiber is provided for you to tackle the design challenges presented. After (provided) lunch, the afternoon is spent creating personal Story Art Yarns, inspired by concepts brought by each individual. Using the design process introduced earlier, students will map/sketch, prepare their fiber and spin their personal works of art.
So WHERE are these special workshops?
The first is just around the corner, Saturday April 30 at Picasso’s Moon Studio in Sarasota Florida. If it’s nice enough we’ll spin outside, otherwise we’ll be spinning in the amazing studio of Debra Lambert. Full day class is $130 which includes lunch, use of tools, and materials for the morning games, as well as supplemental material for the afternoon.
I’ll also be taking a limited number of private lessons on Friday, April 29. We can work on whatever you’d like- spinning, weaving, fiber prep.. Sessions are booked by the hour, with an hour minimum. $50 an hour.
Please text Deb Lambert at (941)932-0103 or email lambert924@aol.com for a paypal invoice to secure your spot. Materials list and lunch options will be emailed upon registration.
The second is next month, Saturday May 21, at the amazing Pluckyfluff Studio, at the Boeger Winery in Placerville CA. We’ll spin in Lexi’s studio, and if it’s nice enough we can open the doors and migrate a bit into the orchard. Lunch will be carnitas from the amazing Mexican restaurant in town. (If you would like to bring your own lunch, please let me know and you’ll be refunded the $10 lunch cost)
I am so excited to spend some time in my favorite studios this Spring, and I look forward to spinning with you there!! Please email jazzturtlecreations@gmail.com if you have any questions!